4D Printing
Direct 4D Printing
Visiting Research Assistant, SUTD Digital Manufacturing and Design Centre
Sep. 2015 - Apr. 2017
Proposed a novel method to test the active samples in batches
Conducted experiments on testing and characterisation of active materials
Designed and printed several functional structures and models to demonstrate direct 4D printing
Media Reports of Direct 4D Printing
Original publication

4D Printing Based on SME
Visiting Research Assistant, SUTD-MIT International Design Center
Sep. 2015 - Dec. 2015
Shape memory materials (SMMs) are featured by the ability to recover their original shape from a significant and seemingly plastic deformation when a right stimulus is applied. This is known as shape memory effect (SME).
By combing SME in materials with 3D printing technology, four dimensional (4D) printing technology has been proposed and demonstrated via multi-material printing. In other words, the configuration of a printed work is able to change under stimulus after a thermo-mechanical programming progress, which creates time dependence of the configuration——the 4D aspect.
I love SG
Designed the Model
Printed the Model with 3D printer
Conducted the trial
Modified the Model
Angry Birds
Designed the Model
Printed the Model with 3D printer
Conducted the trial
Modified the Model
Design of Bi-Stable Structures
Visiting Research Assistant, SUTD-MIT International Design Center
Sep. 2015 - Dec. 2015
Inspired by the basic cellular bi-stable structure proposed by David Restrepo[1]
Modified the structure and extend it to various geometric figures such as cylinder, and wheel, promising for energy absorption applications
Modeled and printed the the structures with various materials
Conducted the simulations
[1] Restrepo D, Mankame N D, Zavattieri P D. Phase transforming cellular materials[J]. Extreme Mechanics Letters, 2015, 4: 52-60.